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Swinging Jibs

The Jimmy Jib

Grips Facility Hire

Cape Town

South Africa

South African grips facility
jimmy jib Cape Town


swinging jibs logo

Equipment hire

dolly, tracks and jib crane
rickshaw with steadicam
big jibs on tracks and dolly
mini jimmy jibs
jimmy jib mounted on vehicle
scaffold mounts for film tv tracking vehicle
jimmy jib with gimbal support
jimmy jib on tracking vehicle
car mounts grips
monitor grips car mount
slider and skateboard dolly with tripod head
remote head for film and TV
Broadcast jimmy jib Cape Town

Swinging Jibs

jimmy jib on vehicle

Welcome to Swinging Jibs. We are ten years rigging jibs for the Television and Film industry.


We have two major facility hires. Our broadcast jib and our cine jib hire with car rigs.

A Jimmy jib, that has been re-designed for film production. 


For film shoots we provide an equipment guarantor and a rigger and for broadcast, an assistant and jib operator.


Swinging Jibs is a facility provider for film shoots and require a grips and camera department to operate the jib. For live events, we provide a jib technician and jib operators with camera/ lens.


We don't dry hire.





Swinging Jibs Cape Town grips
swingingjibs Logo


Dolly & Tracks

A doorway Dolly that mounts a 6 foot jib

Jib Size

Multiple jib sizes, ranging from 6 feet to 8 meters

Big jibs on tracks

A four wheel base system, that can support large jibs

dolly and tracks with camera crane
jimmy jib size
square base jimmy jib on tracks

Six meters of track

4 wheel base on rubber tyres

jimmy jib on tracks
four wheel base jimmy jib

3 wheel base on umatic tyres

three wheel base jimmy jib

Camera platform on rolling base 

Skateboard Dolly with elemac fittings


camera platform
skateboard dolly
elemac with camera tripod

Jib comes pre rigged and ready to operate on a movable platform

pre rigged jimmy jib
movable platform grips
grips jimmy jib on vehicle

The Jimmy Jib Tracking Vehicle

tracking vehicle for film and TV

Jib comes pre rigged

jimmy jib on vehicle
tracking vehicle for film production

Mechanical Spring shock absorbing head 

shock absorbing mounts for tracking vehicle
jimmy jib tracking vehicle
jimmy jib with shock absorbing mount for camera gimbals

Scaffold mounts for Tracking vehicle

scaffold mounts on film and TV tracking vehicle
scaffold mounts for tracking vehicle film production
tracking vehicle for film production company

Car Mounts

car mounts door mount for movies and film
windshield car mount for film and TV
bonnet mount for film production Cape Town
interior camera mounts for cars and vehicles film production

Remote Heads

jimmy jib remote head Cape Town
remote head for film and TV productions Cape Town
remote camera operating for ronin | movi

Adapters for third party gimbals

ronin| movi adapters
gimbal adapters for ronin and movi
Mitchel mount for jimmy jib

Jimmy Jib camera systems

sony ex3 for jimmy jib
black magic camera with ENG lens
Black magic camera on jimmy jib

Steadicam kit

gimbal support vest

steadicam swingingjibs Cape Town
gimbal vest Cape Town

Van and Trailer support 

jimmy jib and trailer
grips and gaffer trailer and camera van

A Frame for towing 


A frame Cape Town film and TV
generator film TV Cape Town
Spiral Staircase

The Airway V15 camera vibration isolated arm 

V15 shock absorbing head for vehicles



The V15 is a heavy duty shock arm for car rigs. The payload weight range, is between 15-50 kg.


Grips Cape Town
arrived Alexa on a jimmy jib
jimmy jib Cape Town
2 meter jimmy jib
Epic race Cape Town jimmy jib
camera crane operating
remotes head for film and TV
portable camera crane jimmy jib on vehicle

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 WhatsApp Carina


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   WhatsAPP James on +27793759385

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